27 October, 2006


A quick follow up to the Elmore Leonard essay. You know that bit about not using 'suddenly'? Here, courtesy of the Paris Review, is a striking demonstration of just what that's so important by the ever delightful Billy Collins.


eM said...

good shit, but i do wish you guys would change the template, have been squinting at this one till my eyes hurt. sorry! :)

km said...

em: But the eye-hurting is part of the Blogolepsy experience!

Just kidding, of course. Mucho thanks the feedback. Is it the color-scheme or the layout that's making you squint? (Or Falstaff's footnotes?:))

zigzackly said...

Template revision on the cards. Waiing for Megha to get some time off from work. :)

david raphael israel said...

Jesus, that is in fact one gripping poem. And here I have long deemed myself an "I'm frankly not into Billy Collins" snob. (So now -- suddently -- I don't quite know if the good poems are the exceptions? or if I'm full of beans?)